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Monday, November 17, 2014

news 11/17/2014 EDITED

ELA:  This is our final week of suffixes AND prefixes. We are focusing on all eight lists of suffixes, prefixes, and their meanings. They will be having a TEST on all eight sets of suffixes and prefixes on Thursday. No word examples will be provided. They will also we reading and writing during this time. They are focusing on identifying types of sentences. Students should be reading an independent reading book at least 15 minutes at home daily. NO RRJ IS DUE THIS WEEK DUE TO TWO TESTS THEY NEED TO STUDY FOR.
Social Studies:  Students are beginning their second unit in Social Studies: Native Americans and their Cultural Regions. They are working on taking notes in class and finding the important information. They are working on a project in class that will be graded for a test grade.
Math:  Students will complete Chapter 2 this week, which covers division using whole numbers. This week we are focusing on problem solving with division problems. We will be reviewing material from all of Chapter 2 Wednesday to prepare for Thursday’s Unit Test. They should be completing their homework on their own or with minimal support and they can refer to their math notebook.  They should be practicing their multiplication facts at home daily. They will have a Chapter 2 Unit Test on THURSDAY!
Important Dates:
·      Suffix & Prefix Test- Thursday, 11/20/14
·      Math Ch. 2 Unit Test- Thursday, 11/20/14
·      Parent Teacher Night Conferences- Thursday, 11/20/14
·      Parent Teacher Conference day (no school)- Friday, 11/21/14

·      Thanksgiving Break (No School)- Wednesday, 11/26- Friday, 11/28

Friday, November 7, 2014

Cheerleading Tryouts

To the girls trying out for cheerleading from the MS/HS here are the two videos I promised for the tryout cheer and dance. You should practice these at home and be prepared to work on them Monday and Wednesday before your tryout on Thursday. Please use this to your best advantage as this is a new strategy I am using this year. See you at the Elementary School on Monday Wednesday and Thursday at 3:30. If you take the bus be sure to get it at 3:15 from the High School! Thank you!

The Hip Hop 2013 NCA Dance:
Dance to counts

Dance to slow music

Dance to regular speed music

The 2014 NCA Camp Cheer:
(say DCS and Eagles instead of NCA and Tigers)

Cheer front and back

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Character Analysis

First I would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and students that worked on this project. Everyone came in to class looking just like their character! I know it took a lot of effort to put these beautiful costumes together. Students also worked tirelessly to produce beautiful FAST facts to demonstrate their character's traits while using textual evidence to support their findings. Congratulations on a job well done! 

Charolette's Web

Ten True Animal Stories

The Great Gilly Hopkins

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Monday, November 3, 2014

news: November 3

ELA:  This is our fourth week of suffixes. We are focusing on four lists of suffixes and their meanings. They will be having a quiz on all four sets of suffixes Friday. They will be separated and provided examples. They should be practicing their weeks 5-8 suffix flashcards. They will also we reading and writing during this time. They are focusing on reading for comprehension using the cafĂ© model. The focus strategy for this week is determining “character traits” using FAST acronym. Students should be reading an independent reading book at least 15 minutes at home daily. They are asked to finish a RRJ (Reading Response Journal entry) every FRIDAY on a separate piece of paper. The requirements for the RRJ are posted on the salmon colored paper in their gold folder. They are receiving written feedback on their RRJs from past weeks and should be looking at those to help improve their writing. THEY MUST USE THE UMBRELLA GRAPHIC ORGANIZER THIS WEEK!

Social Studies:  Students are completing their first unit in Social Studies: Geography. They are working on taking notes in class and finding the important information. TEST FRIDAY on Ch 1!!

Math:  Students will begin Chapter 2 this week, which covers division using whole numbers. This week we are focusing on division using base-ten models. They should be completing their homework on their own or with minimal support and they can refer to their math notebook.  I am finding the students are struggling with their math work due to their struggle with multiplication facts. They should be practicing their multiplication facts at home daily. I have been noticing that they really struggle as a whole with their facts.

Important Dates:
·      Character Dress up -  Wednesday, November 5th
·      Social Studies Ch. 1 Test- Friday, November 7th
·      Veterans Day (No school) – Tuesday, November 11th

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Fall!

A HUGE thank you goes out to all the parents that put on the fall party on Friday! It was a huge success!!! I think the kids had fun. I will let you be the judge.