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Friday, March 7, 2014

Cheerleading season ends

I just wanted to say a little shout out to my senior cheerleaders who were chosen to be on the WAC exceptional senior team. Also congratulations to Lia who was named Southern WAC Conference MVP. Thank you to the WAC for allowing me to coach this talented group of exceptional seniors in my first year in the WAC league, it is a true honor and privilege. Finally congratulations to the whole DCS Cheer Team for their successful season, see you next year!

Last but not least thank you to the elementary school students for coming out to the games this season!

Monday, March 3, 2014

newsletter 3-3-2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

This week in ELA we are diving deeper into parts of language such as: verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, conjunctions, interjections, and prepositions.  They are working on increasing their comprehension with fiction texts in our NYS Test Prep time and reading groups.  They have a weekly reading response journal due every week on Friday.

In morning math work we are starting Chapter 11: Geometry and Volume. We will cover: polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, problem solving, and three-dimensional figures. On the back of this paper you will find a detailed explanation of the chapter and a few reteach sheets for you to practice at home with your child.

In afternoon math we are in the middle of Chapter 6: Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators. We will cover: adding and subtracting mixed numbers, subtraction with renaming, patterns with fractions, practice addition and subtraction, and use properties of addition. On the back of this paper you will find a few reteach sheets for you to practice at home with your child. There will be a Chapter Test NEXT Tuesday 3/11/14.

We are working their fourth list of Words Their Way spelling list for the third quarter.  Monday through Wednesday they are to work on their three choices of spelling homework.  SPELLING PACKETS ARE DUE THURSDAY!!!!  On Thursday, they are to study their words for the spelling test on Friday. Please remember to sign your child’s spelling homework and check the option they chose as their third type spelling homework.


  • Staff Development Day (no school) 3/21
  • NYS ELA Testing- April 1-3